Be Anxiety Free

Get Rid of Anxiety Forever? Is it possible?

To get rid of anxiety begin with improving your nervous system regulation and  then, work through your triggers. There's actually a close relationship between the two. The more anxiety you have, the more easily you'll be triggered.

It works in the opposite way too. The more you're triggered, the more anxiety you'll have.

Sound like a conundrum? Read on.

1. There's three solutions for getting rid of anxiety forever** and it starts with knowing that anxiety is controlled by the nervous system.

**By the way, there's actually no way to get rid of anxiety forever because we're wired for it innately. You will always need anxiety in times of danger so getting rid of it forever would serve no purpose.

However, there's no reason you have to live with it on a daily basis especially if you're not dealing with a high stress situation.

"Deliberately and consistently change the trajectory of negative physiological states and let anxiety slip away." Psychologist Dr. Susan LaCombe
Psychologist Dr. Susan LaCombe in a thoughtful pose about happy memories and achieving anxiety relief

Author and Therapeutic Guide: Dr. Susan LaCombe, Psychologist/Psychotherapist

2. The second step to improving your resilience against anxiety is knowing the nervous system can change.

Meanwhile, you already know what it feels like when your brain is suffering from anxiety:
illustration of inside view of nervous system emphasizing to get rid of anxiety you must rewire your brain

You can rewire your nervous system—the main control center for anxiety and your emotions.

  • feel tense all the time
  • can't think straight
  • foggy-headedness - can't hold two ideas to prioritize
  • moody - from anxious to down in the dumps
  • worry over things that later seem unimportant and not worth the effort
  • feel overwhelmed too easily
Instead, imagine this . . .

 . . . being excited to see the world from new perspectives.

man sitting at the end of a wooden sidewalk looking at the world in a new way
cat stretching with abandon which is what it feels when you get rid of anxiety

. . . relaxing with abandon.

. . . feeling calmer despite the stormy seas of a work/life balance.

person in lounge chair facing stormy seas

Like many others you probably thought the nervous system was set in stone early on, and unchangeable. Not so as it turns out. 

Now we know the functioning of the nervous system can be improved—even expanded

Indeed, it's possible—with the right set of conditions—to rewire your brain.

When you know what these conditions are, you can then take steps to apply them in your everyday routine. Then getting rid of anxiety becomes a second nature habit.

3. The third step to getting rid of anxiety is to take advantage on how the brain and nervous system works.

animated arrow that highlights the offer

Work on expanding your
nervous system capacity and easily and simply, get rid of anxiety.

Therapy advocate Dr. Susan LaCombe

Dr. Susan LaCombe, Psychologist / Therapy Coach

I invite you to enjoy the articles in this series. You'll discover that anxiety takes many forms. It shows up in ways that may surprise you.

Key to your understanding is knowing how the nervous system works.

(Yes, the nervous system can expand!)

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