Transform Angst, Distractibility and Emotional Reactivity into a Brain-Wise Mindset with 15 Minutes a Day
Eliminating Triggers
DeCoding the Brain
. . . Not merely a course, it's an "App" Experience—Achieve Therapy-Level Results Without the Therapist.

Dr. Susan LaCombe, 25 - Year Veteran, Psychologist and Rebel Shrink, Publisher of
- A password protected, Psychologist-Designed platform for eliminating triggers through emotional regulation training.
- Appeals to many learning styles; it's a comprehensive collection of videos, podcasts, articles, downloadable cheat sheets and even an online workbook.
- 24/7 Emotional Support: Functions like an app and provides tools to address any trigger and fit any situation for alleviating emotional distress. Designed for continuous use, it empowers you to manage your emotions and well-being anytime, anywhere.
- Developed by Psychologist Dr. Susan LaCombe and fine-tuned with feedback from over 600 users since 2012.
- Win Bonus Courses through Gamification: Core ideas delivered through 4 different levels.
- Dozens of actionable steps to fit individualized needs. Includes interactive elements for enhanced hands-on learning.

Bea... | better therapy member (unsolicited feedback)
Hi Susan,
Thank you so much for the Program! Becoming aware of my activation has been a GAME CHANGER! I've done so many courses and workshops over the years but this was by far the MOST EFFECTIVE course I have ever done!
I'm so grateful for everything you taught me!!
Best regards,
Break free from negative triggers . . . by changing your internal reactions at the source.
Triggered in relationships . . .

. . . from over-reacting—and looking like you are the problem . . .
. . . "to holding your own."

. . . from being triggered into emotional distancing and shutting down
. . . ". . . to engaging in meaningful discussions."

Triggered by authority . . .

. . . from reacting to authority as if you have no choice but to be helpless, argumentative or silenced

". . . to maintaining your personal power and advocating for yourself with integrity."

Being triggered into freeze . . .

. . . from being too easily triggered into intense, down states
. . . "to laughing like you used to."

. . . from feeling tense all over and not being able to finish a good yawn'
". . . to having big, satisfying yawns and sleeping soundly through the night."

Being triggered by anxiety and unprocessed trauma . . .

. . . from feeling frantic and overwhelmed by (your own) expectations
". . . to feeling calm, confident and settled within yourself."

. . . from feeling unsure and "something's not right"
". . . to being clear with a firm sense of your own boundaries."

Being triggered by your kids . . .

. . . from saying the wrong thing to someone you love
". . . to being the parent you always dreamed of"

sandra...member| (unsolicited feedback)
Roughly 2 years ago... I decided to do the Brain Coaching Program [Currently called DeCoding the Brain]. It was one of the best things I've ever done, and I do mean that. Apart from it being so interesting it proved so effective and helped me in many areas. The wonderful things was I could apply techniques and strategies taught to countless situations in my life.
Now, having been away from the program for a while, I've decided to return and do a complete refresher course!
Thanks again.
What's DeCoding the Brain based on?
Based on somatic psychology and of course, the latest insights from neuroscience. (See the thought leaders and researchers mentioned below)

If you've ever reacted out of character, there's a part of you—a wiser, older part that surfaces when your world has slowed down—that recognizes your reaction is over the top, inappropriate to the situation, or seemingly "on a mission."
This is likely because you've been triggered.
It's not your fault. When we're triggered we're immediately flooded with emotions and knee-jerk reactions.

At the core of our triggers are unprocessed emotional events, some of which we have no conscious recollection of. These memories are held by parts of us colloquially known as our inner child.
Processing these inner child memories, releasing the emotional charge, and creating new, positive memories in their place can eliminate the trigger.
The challenge lies in achieving a state of mind-body health where you can:
- Mine your emotions for the right corrective experiences.
- Be in a state where deep learning can register, following neuroscience-based principles for how change occurs in the brain.
Fortunately, this program is designed to help you achieve both, empowering you to heal and transform your emotional landscape.

Ever try “talking yourself” out of a negative mindset?
Do you suffer from scattered thinking, being easily distractible, having mush brain?
These mind states are not under control of your "thinking brain". When the the autonomic nervous system is flooded another area of the brain takes over.
By using the area of the brain where these states actually arise from, you'll achieve a lot more control and greater clarity of thought and purpose. It's all about following the rules of science.

Far more neuropathways going from your body to your mind...

...than neuropathways going from your mind to your body.
You know what it's like when you're triggered. You can't get the idea out of your head. You're agitated. You have a hard time sitting with yourself. You can't think through the best way to deal with it. In that moment your nervous system is flooded.
Basically, there's no "room" to contain the arousal charge in your body.
By repeating the steps outlined in this Program you'll develop more resiliency in your nervous system. You'll bounce back faster from strong emotional states and in time, be able "contain" the charge. That extra "room" will give you the chance to think through your next move.

It's based on over three decades of brain research in the fields of neurobiology, developmental psychology, evolutionary biology, neurochemistry and trauma research, to name just a few.
1. Attachment theory (Bowlby & Ainsworth),
2. Polyvagal theory and the social engagement system (Porges),
3. 'Present moment' (Stern),
4. Personality development and brain plasticity (Grigsby),
5. Biology of emotion (Ledoux),
6. Affect and self-regulation theory (Schore).
When you work with the brain, other benefits follow.
Repeat the steps outlined in this Program and you'll find you're moving towards a higher version of yourself. You'll be more present to the abundance in your life. And that's always a good thing.

The brain works optimally using time tested principles.
Now of course De-Coding the Brain won't magically rewire your brain overnight. It does take a commitment on your part.

Author: 20-Year Veteran Psychologist and Coach Dr. Susan LaCombe
Please know that I've used the principles and exercises to get extraordinary results with my clients for many years, and I've put it all into a format that I guarantee will help you too.
It's been my experience, professionally and as a client, that this approach is the fastest way for making lasting changes by far.

Elspeth... | member
Hi Suzanne, I've really enjoyed this first week. Being your client for some years now, I find this course a practical way to spend more time "in therapy" on-line as I live on an island and can't always get in for sessions. The Brain Coaching Program [DeCoding the Brain] is so worthwhile and you have done a marvelous job of putting this together to give an understandable process to help us heal from life. Your videos bring you right in front of me as if we were in session.
Thank you.
The core of the content in Eliminate Triggers with DeCoding the Brain* is delivered sequentially through 4 levels so you're never overwhelmed. With lots of tips and strategies for dealing with different moods and mindsets, you always know what tool to use to get out of a negative state.
(Access and motivational information and inspirational case studies continues afterwards.)
[DeCoding the Brain was previously known as the BCP or the Brain Coaching Program]

doris s. ... | member/unsolicited feedback
"I have a most wonderful life and I love it!" This is the shortest way of me expressing how timely, fitting, tailor made, completely appropriate and helpful your program was and is, and (I am sure of it) will be. It has helped me turn my life around, make lasting changes to the quality of my life, and you have most certainly kept your initial promise!"

Building Your Foundation: Achieving Calm & a Clear Mind
Prepare Your Mind Body Like a Jedi
- Discover a cutting-edge mind-body model that gives you precise control over your emotional transformation, utilizing neuroscience-based principles to effectively and confidently change your brain.
- Using the tools provided, begin to increase your capacity for emotional regulation. Discover how even subtle shifts—from negative to the positive—begins to de-clutter the mind and expand your emotional resilience.
- Learn how to move out of feeling numb/blocked/agitated to a settledness that feels skin-deep. Then watch as your concentration deepens and motivation returns.
- Learn now to broaden your self knowledge by "mining" any upset for deep trigger work (an integral step for Inner Child Work).
- Discover the #1 tool for reducing overwhelm and feeling muddled anytime of day.
DeCoding the Brain Makes Science Simple
Not only does this program offer the tools and strategies for shifting out of these states, (including user-friendly explanations from neuroscience of WHY you're dealing with these problems in the first place), it has several accountability tools to keep you on track.
Being able to absorb what you're learning—especially in regards to applying that knowledge—is usually made much easier when you interact with the material. For this reason, DeCoding the Brain includes several ways to track your progress and keep you inspired. Aside from the quizzes, progress bars and interactive pages, these elements below were created to keep you on track.
The purpose of DeCoding the Brain is for you feel better NOW. Deepening your understanding of why you're feeling better is secondary to that first purpose.
So while there's plenty of material available to you, the focus is not in getting through it all. Sometimes you'll just jump inside to find the right exercise to deal with a negative or nasty state. After all, feeling much better—even if you don't know why—is the ultimate goal.
However, for those left-brainers out there once you do complete the coursework for any given month, we wanted to reward you. And just to make it fun, each time you get to pick from among several topic-specific Bonus courses.
Beyond Abandonment Issues
What It Means to be Triggered
Freedom After Trauma
Easy-to-do Challenges. The Challenges are friendly prompts to use your tools daily (and gain points for Bonuses). You'll find it handy to have all the exercises listed in one place as a reminder of what's available to you.
When you're trying to establish new habits, it's motivating to see how much you've changed from where you started from. The Tracker Tool is something you'll look forward to doing each week—and it only takes a minute of your time. This feature keeps a record each time you record your current physiological state.
Even using The Tracker Tool the one time, is an eye-opener. You'll be amazed to learn how many so called "symptoms" are merely variations of ONE problem. (Yes, you don't have a gazillion issues to deal with—working on your nervous system solves many issues—even things you thought you had to deal with for the rest of your life. NOT.
As well, you also have an Online Workbook to record your roadblocks, successes and to note the events that you find challenging. This feature comes in handy as it's not always easy to keep track of events that might be triggering. You can use your workbook as a starting place from which to unpack a trigger (ie. getting at the true source of the trigger and the ideal healing scenario that helps you move beyond it).
Finally, every page offers a place to record notes - with the click of a button. Here you can record insights and questions about your growth in relation to the topic you're reading. Many members use this feature to copy verbatim relevant passages. (Your notes are listed on one page in your Workbook.)
NEW FEATURE. Sometimes, you have a burning question and can't wait to get the answer. That's when specific replies to your query comes in handy. Once you obtain sufficient points (by doing Challenges and completing tasks) you can use your Bonus points to receive a personalized video reply from Dr. LaCombe to your video, audio or written question. (This is just one of the many Bonuses to choose from.)
DeCoding the Brain Encourages Interactivity
By the way, you can choose how much Dr. LaCombe will be involved in your journey. The technical platform is organized so Dr. LaCombe can visually see how you're doing. (This is particularly useful if you're a consulting client of Dr. LaCombe's)

Gay.l. ... | Founding member
"The BCP [DeCoding the Brain] is helping me understand my core self in a way never before explored and is giving me tools to move through feelings & experiences I have always thought were in control of me, triggering panic and fear that would last for days... brain based and scientific."
Gay L.
My promise to you . . .

You have my 14-day Unconditional Guarantee of satisfaction. I’m confident that you’ll find DeCoding the Brain eye-opening, powerful and effective.
Personalized Service: to the degree it's possible in an online program, I want you to know you're not alone in this journey. I'll be there with you.
You will have the choice of how much you want me to be there. As a rule, I'll be tracking as you move through the Program. To some extent the system will automatically prompt you at certain junctures, however, I'll be notified on certain form submissions and/or if something is going amiss.
Please know, if you don’t feel like you’re getting the value you expected, or if you’re just not able to follow through on these science-based solutions no matter how hard you try, then just click the 'Cancel' button within 14 days and I’ll refund your purchase (See below for more details).

Master Your Mind & Emotions
. . . a science-based solution for
eliminating triggers

Eliminate Triggers
DeCoding the Brain
$19.95 monthly thereafter
Eliminate Triggers
DeCoding the Brain
For Your Team
(Package of 10 Users)
Paid Annually

Tina f. ... | member (unsolicited)
I hope you don't mind me emailing you like this. I just wanted to say I purchased your course and it's been extremely helpful. I'm up to the part about releasing anger and it's something I've needed help with for a while. Thank you for these amazing techniques and information, it has all been so helpful!
Tina F.