myShrink's Research Policy
myShrink is committed to validating our approach to lifelong changes using brain science. We never sell any of your information and publish only aggregate data (ie. non-identifying statistical information).
When you enroll and use myShrink’s program, you’re trusting us with your information. We take that commitment seriously - we want to keep your trust. That includes helping you to understand our privacy practices.
You can find an expanded version of our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Disclaimers and Affiliate Information here.
Example of published information: What issue brought you here today?
This is an example of the kinds of issues visitors to myShrink reported on in regards to their issues with abandonment fears.
It's a good illustration of the type of aggregate data we might publish.
It's the kind of information that I believe will help those suffering from abandonment issues to feel less alone with what they're struggling with.
When you become a member you should also know that you are opting in to allow aggregate data to be compiled to help research in the field of psychology. I hope this kind of information will be for the betterment of society and the therapy field in particular.
There is no identifying information used in the publication or the future publication of the data derived from myShrink members.

By using our services you are also consenting to any of myShrink's ongoing studies. This information is used to further enhance the program offerings. That means we hope our research will provide us with the necessary information to make your Program better fit your needs.
Much of the information that is gathered from members is collected in large batches (in aggregate form). That means there’s no distinguishing characteristics associated with any one member. These are things like, how many people replied to this email; how many people visited that page; when people left that page did they leave the site or go to another page on the site; how many are completing the coursework, is this feature being used etc. We pore over this kind of information attempting to make the information relevant to you.
You have the right to request a removal of any data we have related to your name and email address once you are no longer a member. Please email Dr. LaCombe at
myShrink's Privacy Policy (Short Form)
Here’s where you give us more specific information about you.
When you purchase our product obviously we make a record of your personal information ie. name, email, address and the product you purchased.
Your billing information is stored in ThriveCart. That’s where you’re able to manage your subscription and billing information.
Note, in order to access it you must use the same email address you used when you first made your purchase. myShrink has no access to your credit card information.
By the way, you can unsubscribe from any of our emails by using the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of all emails.
When you opt to take an email series, that option gets associated with your name and email address (so we can send the emails to you).
When you leave a question and/or comment inside the content areas, it will remain on the site unless you request that we remove it. (As a logged in member, you can always choose to delete it yourself.)
The Take Notes feature is unique in that you can choose to have the publisher of this site, known colloquially as Shrinklady (Dr. Susan LaCombe) read them. If you make no choice that feature is defaulted to the OFF position (meaning Shrinklady cannot read your notes).
On occasion we will ask about your preferences in order to personalize the information you are receiving. Your responses are associated with your name and email address.
When you complete survey information ie. whether you’re benefiting from the program, what issues you’re struggling with etc, these items get associated with your name and email address.
You have the right to request a removal of any data we have associated with your name and email address once you are no longer a member. Please email Dr. LaCombe at
Dr. LaCombe and the myShrink Team